The CCA Hive
A Living System
Hives are a testament to unity and what can grow when like-minded beings come together as one under a common goal.
– Ruth H Hopkins

Since our launch in late 2019, the Climate Coaching Alliance has continued to evolve in the way we celebrate and engage with our growing global community.
As we move into our sixth year, the next phase of this evolution is underway. We’re adopting the concept of the CCA Hive – a true Living System. Over the coming months, you’ll see this unifying concept rolled out across the many elements that make up the CCA.
Welcome to Stage 1: An introduction to the CCA Hive
The Power of the Hive
In nature, the beehive is a home, a workplace and a fortress where bees are connected by a common cause and where growth, communication, production and pollination take place. Bees have different roles, such as drones, workers and scouts, all contributing to the sustainability of the hive.
With such an extensive global community involved in numerous heartbeats, events, projects and communities, the CCA has looked to nature to create a similar cohesive space that integrates all our operations and generous offerings from individuals and groups.
The CCA Hive is a way of acknowledging this wisdom of nature, sharing our free resources and facilitating opportunities, climate coaching guidance and communities of practices as we continue our evolving journey.
The CCA Hive then, is a place for self-improvement, where we build strong connections to others. A place that encourages personal growth, where we can all take on different roles according to our skills and passions. Our hive is a way to come together in unity for our common cause – the importance of climate coaching at this crucial junction or climate choices.
Whether you want to access resources to enhance your own knowledge or participate in deep conversations with like-minded people and communities, buzz into the hive and take a look around!
In-House Bees
As a beehive has specific cells with specific purposes, our CCA 'communities of practice' are focused on specific climate coaching issues and knowledge resources.
Meet some in-house bees here.
The Honey Pot
The beehive represents personal growth and self improvement, and bees value conservation and storage of their resources. The CCA's resources include research, events, books, an extensive video library and courses.
Check out the CCA Honey Pot here.
Field Bees
Bees have a unique communication system - they perform the 'waggle dance' to inform other bees of a nectar source they've found. The dance can provide direction, distance and quality of the source.
The CCA waggle dance starts here.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in the Hive…