'We are the Great Turning'
Podcast Club Launch
We Are the Great Turning is all about coming together with our communities, to talk about what is happening on our planet and to act in service of life together.
As part of our Collaboration and Compassion seasons, CCA is partnering with ‘We are the Great Turning,’ a podcast series of intimate, heartfelt dialogues between Joanna Macy and her friend, activist Jessica Serrante. In the 10-part series, Jess and Joanna discuss climate change, spirituality, possibility and this moment in history we’re living in, all through the heart of the Work That Reconnects.
Want to participate? Here are three options for joining our podcast season and CCA’s new ‘We are the Great Turning’ Podcast Clubs:
Join the launch webinar with Jess (coming soon), who will share the lessons gleaned from Joanna’s mentorship and how we can live with our hearts intact in these wild times. Together they explore what it truly takes to stay resilient, joyful and motivated while confronting the climate crisis. Share in the beautiful resources that Jess and Joanna are offering at this time and find out more about the upcoming CCA podcast clubs.
Join one of the CCA Podcast Clubs starting from September. A Podcast Club involves a small group of people who meet on a regular basis to share specific podcast episodes and reflections arising from them.
Podcast Clubs are a simple way to use the episodes as a jumping-off point for having the meaningful conversations most of us yearn for – conversations that deepen our relationships and open up creative possibilities for ways we can build the Great Turning with our loved ones.
You can find details for the latest Podcast Clubs either at the bottom of this page or on the Coming Events page.
Set up your own Podcast Club with a group of friends or a CCA Community. It’s easy… here are some simple guidelines.
Love, Courage, and Connection in the Climate Crisis
We welcome you to the kitchen table of the legendary eco-spiritual teacher Joanna Macy, where we’ll dive into what it takes to live with our hearts and integrity intact in this time of global crisis.
You’ll be guided into these conversations by Jess Serrante, a longtime activist and student of Joanna’s. Together, we’ll discover abiding wisdom that can help us stay joyful and energized as we work toward a more just and life-sustaining world.

1. Design a club structure
- Will you listen to the episodes together, or before you meet?
- How many times will you meet? You can meet just once or 10 times, once for each episode.
- When and where will you meet? 90 minutes to two hours is a good length of time to aim for if you are listening to the episodes, doing an exercise, and discussing.
- Will you lead yourself, have a co-lead or share the leadership each week?
- Don’t forget drinks and snacks to share!
- More guidelines can be found here.
2. gather a group
A small, even number is ideal; we recommend 4 – 10 people, or promote the Podcast Club on the CCA website to invite participants.
Post an event to invite others to your Podcast Club. We recommend creating a “single” event spanning the 10 weeks and setting out all meeting dates. Select “Podcast Club” as your Event Type and make sure to indicate the language being used. The podcasts are only available in English, but the Podcast Club sessions can be held in any language. We suggest the Podcast Club be conducted online, but you are free to run in person if you prefer.
If on Zoom, with your own account, you will need to create a recurring zoom registration link that will cover your 10 podcast meetings. This will allow you to gather your participants’ email addresses for on-going communications as well as provide them with all podcast meetings to be posted onto their respective calendars. Remember to limit the number of participants in your Zoom registration to about 10 people including yourselves.
3. prep for you gathering
Each week, you can click into episode links at wearethegreatturning.com and find a list of resources. Mix and match activities in the toolkit (or create your own) to create an appropriate plan for your time together.
4. Register your Club
Register your podcast club here with ‘We are the Great Turning’ and get special updates and invitations from Jess Serrante, only for podcast club organizers.
Remember to mark your club as CCA so we can help promote it.
Below you’ll find a listing of any current We are the Great Turning Podcast Club events that form part of the Collaboration Conversations Program together with past events that have featured in this and previous programs. Click each current event to see an outline of the presentation and then follow the link to register. Click any of the past events to see what was covered and, where available, to access a recording.