Book Circle – UK(1)
IMPORTANT: This book circle has now reached the maximum number of participants. If you’d like to be added to a waiting list so we can notify you as soon as we have available seats or alternative options to offer you, please email the host of this circle and/or circles@climatecoachingalliance.org.
A facilitated book circle to explore the text “Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching- A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice”. We will meet weekly on Wednesdays at 11:30-12:45 UK time for 8 weeks (3rd Apr – 22 May 2024).
The book circle process invites us to freely discuss, question, and debate the text, thereby gaining greater insights into the underlying messages and concepts.
This book takes you on a seven-day journey with your guides: 60 coaches and thought-leaders from around the world. Through storytelling, poetry and other creative approaches, readers can follow this programme alone or with others and take a practical and empowering look at the impact of the climate emergency on their practice and how they might respond.
Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: a Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice describes methods for adapting your practice while making a livelihood, reframing your work with urgency and action through exploration of the five-stage ‘Eco-phase’ cycle, moving from ‘Eco Curious’, ‘Eco-Informed’, ‘Eco-Aware’, to ‘Eco-Engaged’ and ‘Eco Active’. Designed to encourage discussion, raise awareness and increase confidence about stepping into a leadership role, the book explores the difference that coaching can make in the world as a result of greater eco-awareness and systemic understanding.
Featuring powerful stories from around the world, and with a treasure trove of resources and practical tools and methods, supported by reflective and practical exercises, this book will be an inspiring read not only for those involved in coaching, supervision, mentoring and leadership development, but also for leaders.
Additional Details
Event Timezone Reference - CARE: The times displayed for this event have been set to GMT/UTC as they will vary due to the application of Daylight Savings (BST, CEST, DST etc) around the globe. For example, UK local time will be GMT(UTC)+1. However, event registration will provide you with the correct start and finish times for your location.
Presenter(s) Bio
Kath Allen is an environmental leadership coach, with a quietly rebellious streak. She helps people who care about the planet to calmly and confidently make their own rules for success, fiercely follow their heart and take clear steps towards their vision for the future, whilst taking exceptional care of themselves.
Kath has a PhD in Conservation Ecology and spent 15 years as an academic, researching topics ranging from wildfire in upland UK moorlands to tropical coral reef dynamics, prior to becoming a coach. After a successful career facilitating knowledge exchange between academics and conservation professionals, Kath now coaches them to maximise the impact of their work, in a way that is sustainable for themselves as well as the planet.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Kath Allen
Email - kath@kathallen.co.uk
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