September - December 2021


This is a curated series of presentations that are open and free to all. 

Please share the invitation to attend widely within your networks. 

Include your colleagues and clients.

Our Intention

Part of CCA’S mission is “Transforming our Impact” – coaches’ impact on climate connected systems: working effectively with clients, climate change agents, diverse communities and youth, enabling resilience and creation and implementation of systemic solutions. 


We aim to enable this by developing our capability and confidence as coaches, so that we can provide clients (individuals, leaders and their teams and communities) with the agency to step into their necessary leadership role as they engage more fully with the climate and ecological emergency. 


How can we do this?   As one step, the CCA is launching a series of events between now and the end of 2021, in which we will hear from thought leaders and practitioners who are pioneering new techniques and approaches which are influencing leaders, organisations and communities to accelerate their climate action. 

We invite you to join us and bring as many friends and clients along with you – that will help us expand our impact to!

Bookmark this page to see new speakers as we update the series.

Placing climate action at the heart of businesses

10 December 2021 

What does it take to co-create transformation in the business sector?

It takes the ability to conceive and create ambitious and actionable commitments that accelerate a sustainable economy.

In September 2020, the Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat (CEC) was founded by Eric Duverger. The purpose? To conceive ambitious and actionable commitments to accelerate the transition to a sustainable economy. Bringing together 150 CEOs and their Planet Champions from all sectors and business sizes in 2021, Eric, together with a team of over 80 volunteers have been working to co-create this transformation. Among the volunteers, 30 coaches and facilitators, among whom several members of the Climate Coaching Alliance FR like Andra Morosi and Roselyne Lecuyer, accompany these leaders on their transition journeys in their basecamp groups over the 8 month period.

We will discuss how CEC + CCA might work together to accelerate the emergence of such leadership across the world.

Catalysing Systems Change

24 November 2021 17:00 ET and 22:00 GMT

25 November 2021 09:00 AEDT

Melanie Goodchild and
Charles Holmes

Getting clearer on the ‘what and how’ of systems change starts with decolonising  our current thinking about systems. You’re invited to participate in a rare dialogue exploring systems thinking and systemic change with two practitioners from very different starting points – Melanie Goodchild will share an indigenous perspective and Charles Holmes a more western scientific one.

Melanie Goodchild (Anishinaabe) is moose clan, from Biigtigong Nishnaabeg and Ketegaunseebee First Nations in northwestern Ontario is an innovator and researcher. She will be talking with her colleague, Charles Holmes, from the Academy for Systems Change (the Faculty of which is like a who’s who of systems thinkers including Peter Senge). Charles Holmes, is a highly skilled facilitator of complex stakeholder engagement processes, university lecturer and social entrepreneur.


Scientists in Every Boardroom

Dr. Ruby Campbell

19 & 20 October 2021

Elevating effective science based leadership in every boardroom

Creating science-based goals, strategies and implementation plans for organisations is a fundamental pre-requisite to address the climate change disaster.

But in boardrooms across the globe, the leadership voice and influence of scientists is significantly under-represented.

Coaches can play a crucial role in elevating and accelerating leadership capacity within scientists so that they maximise the effectiveness of their advocacy.  But are we doing enough?

Dr Ruby Campbell, a scientist herself and leadership coach, has developed a simple and powerful approach to enable coaches to achieve this. 

At this session she will openly share this, and her learnings about how to elevate scientists and their leadership.

DR Ruby Campbell

Halla Tomasdottir

9 September 2021

Join us to hear from Halla Tomasdottir, CEO of The B team. The B Team is a global NGO co-founded by Sir Richard Branson and Jochen Zeitz, which advocates for business practices that are more centered on humanity and the climate. 

Halla will share The B Team “playbook” which they are launching for use by leaders and organisations globally to accelerate business action towards an inclusive economy by 2030 that safeguards our natural environment and ensures a sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for all. The playbook has been developed with input from top global leaders she is keen for you to use them too!

She will make the case that a new approach to leadership is needed to catalyze fundamental systems change. Successful stewardship of our businesses can, and must, exist in alignment with responsible stewardship of our communities and our planet. 

How Else Can You Get Involved?

If you’d like to get involved, these are some of the things you can do:

Before the event

  • Spread the word among your networks and invite them to the event. As we intend to Transform our Impact, you can help just by inviting others along.

During the event

  • Attend with your open minds and hearts to learn with a variety of presenters. 
  • Share your learning and insights on social media with #CCAImpact

After the event

  • Try out the ideas offered during the session and share your learning from your experiment at the Seedbank.
  • View the recording again within your CCA community and dive deeper into the learning together.

The more people we reach together, the greater the wave! If you have any questions about this series, please write to

This program will continue to be updated as additional sessions are added. Please check back regularly or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, for more information about the event.

And because all conversations are better shared, please tell your colleagues and invite your friends!