Book Circles Community Celebration (2) with Eve Turner and Peter Hawkins
Join us to celebrate all who participated in the 8-week book circles journey and all who have read the book or planned to read it in the future.
Eve Turner and Peter Hawkins together with other book contributors, will be our hosts and celebrants.
Please bring your questions and feedback as we conclude the first launch of the book circles, and end the season of Community Festival with this community celebration.
Please direct any questions to Anne-Marie at circles@climatecoachingalliance.org.
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Event Timezone Reference - UK
Presenter(s) Bio
Eve Turner is a coach and supervisor globally and author and co-author of several books, chapters, and articles including “Ecological and Climate-Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide to Evolving Coaching Practice,” “Systemic Coaching” and “The Ethical Coaches’ Handbook.” She is immediate past chair of the body, “The Association of Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision” and volunteers extensively including co-founding the CCA – the Climate Coaching Alliance and founding the first learning network for supervisors, the GSN - Global Supervisors’ Network, in 2016.
Peter Hawkins is a global thought leader in Systemic Coaching, Executive Teams and Board Development. He’s a leading international consultant, coach, supervisor, researcher and best-selling author including team coaching, leadership and culture change.
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Event Language - English
Posted By - Anne-Marie Brest
Email - circles@climatecoachingalliance.org
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