Reconciling Ourselves to All That We Face, Learning to Lead Through Storms

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Reconciling Ourselves to All That We Face, Learning to Lead Through Storms

Reconciling Ourselves to All That We Face, Learning to Lead Through Storms

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There are no maps or precedents to guide us through the climate, ecological and related crises we face, yet we are each being called to respond. Based on practices developed over the past 2 years, this workshop invites you to actively explore – in community with others – the leadership questions you are sitting with and the best next steps you might take, personally and professionally.

Drawing on Prof Jem Bendell’s work on Deep Adaptation, we will explore processes of Reconciliation. Connecting with the power of the human spirit, inquiring deeply, and calling on Earth’s wisdom, we will consider how we might best use our power and privilege to contribute to the vital re-patterning of life, doing what we can, with what we have, from where we stand.

Whatever part you are already playing in the massive improv act underway to adapt to all that we face, we warmly invite you to join us. Numbers will be limited to 15.

Note – Deep Adaptation offers a framework for us to begin to make sense of the unfolding tragedy of climate and ecological collapse. It provides an opportunity to reassess our work and life, and to find our best creative responses, personally and collectively. The 4 Rs of Deep Adaptation (Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration and Reconciliation) are central to the work of the Leading Through Storms community.

As you consider whether to join this session, you may find it helpful to:

Learn more about the Leading Through Storms community and our ways of working

Read Prof Jem Bendell’s original Deep Adaptation paper

Additional Details

Event Timezone Reference - UK

Presenter(s) Bio

KIRSTIN IRVING  Kirstin supports people to engage with the creative potential of these troubled times, to discover ways to live and work with greater coherence and integrity. Trained as a psychologist she has worked with change-leaders in corporate environments for over 25 years. With particular interests in adult development and transformative innovation she works as a facilitator, consultant, and coach.

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Spare Field - Not in use - JAMES BARLOW James supports fellow human beings to build increased consciousness and more fulfilling relationships with themselves, those they interact with and the broader non-human world. He compassionately listens, coaches and provokes. He has an MSc in Responsibility and Business Practice from the University of Bath and 30 years’ corporate experience, including time with Unilever and PepsiCo, much of this working as a sustainability professional.

Spare Field - Not in use - JAKE FARR An organisational psychologist, gestalt psychotherapist and coach, Jake continues to deepen her personal response to climate disruption and associated emergencies and is using this to actively guide her work. Drawing on over 25 years supporting leaders and organisations, she is part of a growing field of eco- and climate-psychology, is active in the Deep Adaptation and XR communities, and is a trustee of Hazel Hill Wood.


Date And Time

Mar 4, 2021 @ 12:30 PM (GMT) to
Mar 4, 2021 @ 02:30 PM (GMT)


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