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We need your help testing an emerging climate group-coaching programme for orgs.

Quote from Andy Miller on Sep 26, 2023, 4:35 amTry our program, help us develop methodology, and assist us with referrals to mid-size companies and organizations willing to engage in a one-day climate coaching research project. WHY? 98% of sustainability initiatives fail....because SDG's w/o IDG's fail - simple as that. Our academic psychology research is changing how organizations ACT on climate. Know anybody keen? Share business & organizational contacts with me: Take our free IDG Inner Development Goal survey
Try our program, help us develop methodology, and assist us with referrals to mid-size companies and organizations willing to engage in a one-day climate coaching research project. WHY? 98% of sustainability initiatives fail....because SDG's w/o IDG's fail - simple as that. Our academic psychology research is changing how organizations ACT on climate. Know anybody keen? Share business & organizational contacts with me: Take our free IDG Inner Development Goal survey
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