New Member’s Orientation Meeting

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New Member’s Orientation Meeting

New Member’s Orientation Meeting

643 643 people viewed this event.


You might be holding lots of questions about CCA. What to do? How to contribute? Where to start? When to connect? … This month we exclusively want to welcome you on the opening day of our Global Festival 2022. Normally, New Members’ Orientation Meetings are on 1st Monday of every month. There are many ways to get started with CCA and these orientation meetings are only one of them, where we love to connect.

As a fresh visitor you might be curious, or excited to explore more, even enthusiastic to contribute, or impatient to connect & share… This meeting is one of the warm spaces to meet others like minded.

You might already be a member for a while, even active in CCA, you are always welcome to those orientation meetings over and over again to meet others. We are excited to welcome you on the opening day.

Come and join us. There are two sessions of New Members’ Orientation Meetings on March 3rd : One is at 7.00 AM GMT and, the other is at 16.00 PM GMT. We would be more than happy to provide you a space to meet and start a dialogue with the CCA community.

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Event Timezone Reference - GMT

Presenter(s) Bio

Basak Beykoz, CCA active member Basak as an ORSC trained systems coach developed restART coaching program with living systems principles. RSI, systems coaching, non-violent communication, mindfulness, Points of You and solution focused coaching are some of the instruments she widely uses.  She has a previous career of Project Management. Being ecology-literate professional, she has been active at CCA for two years. Recently, she is upto to develop CCA Turkish pod. She has several published articles and short stories in Turkish.

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Event Language - English

Posted By - Basak Beykoz

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Spare Field - Not in use - Eve Turner, CCA Co-founder Eve’s had three careers. In music she learned the power of collaboration, interconnection and systemic working, including conducting and working for orchestras. She was a journalist and senior leader in the BBC before becoming an internal, then external coach and supervisor. She co-founded the CCA with Alison Whybrow and Josie McLean in late 2019 and also chairs one of the coaching professional bodies, APECS. Eve’s latest book in production, with Alison, Josie and Peter Hawkins, provides a framework for climate conscious coaching.

Spare Field - Not in use - Josie McLean, Phd CCA Co-founder After an early career as a corporate strategic planner, Dr Josie McLean, PCC commenced coaching in Australia in 1999. She was one of the early pioneers of professional coaching in Australia and President of ICF Australasia in 2003. She has chaired the delivery of three regional coaching conferences for ICFA and was recognised with the ICF Presidents award in 2009. In 2019, Josie joined with Dr Alison Whybrow and Eve Turner to co-found the Climate Coaching Alliance.


Date And Time

Mar 3, 2022 @ 04:00 PM (UTC) to
Mar 3, 2022 @ 04:55 PM (UTC)


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