CCA Monthly Event: Leading Through Storms workshop

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CCA Monthly Event: Leading Through Storms workshop

CCA Monthly Event: Leading Through Storms workshop

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As a coach, do you find yourself oscillating between energetic, heartfelt engagement and lonely, despairing overwhelm during these times of climate, nature and societal collapse? Would you like to discover how to channel these energies into spirited leadership?

We warmly invite you to join James Barlow and Kirstin Irving, co-founders of Leading Through Storms CIC, for this highly interactive, experiential workshop. James and Kirstin bring decades of experience working at the intersection of environment, justice and leadership, creating change and building community.

Bring whatever restless energies you are sitting with, ready to courageously explore with others what it means to bring spirited leadership to your life and work. We’ll reflect individually, share and inquire in small groups, and harvest insights in plenary. Slowing down to connect with ourselves and others, we look forward to gaining new energy, developing an expanded network of support and identifying a practical next step to take.

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Presenter(s) Bio

James Barlow supports fellow human beings to build increased consciousness and more fulfilling relationships with themselves, those they interact with and the more-than-human world. He compassionately listens, coaches and provokes. He has an MSc in Responsibility and Business Practice from the University of Bath and 30 years’ corporate experience, including time with Unilever and PepsiCo, much of this working as a sustainability professional. Alongside his work as co-founder and director of Leading Through Storms CIC, James runs his own coaching and consulting practice, is a Partner at Gameshift, and a Green Councillor at South Oxfordshire District Council, UK.


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Spare Field - Not in use - Kirstin Irving encourages people to engage with the creative potential of these troubled times, supporting them to discover ways to live and work with greater coherence and integrity. Qualified as an occupational psychologist she has spent the past 25+ years working with change-leaders in corporate environments. As well as co-founding and directing Leading Through Storms CIC, she is a Partner with Leaders' Quest and Consultant with Global Leadership Associates. With particular interests in adult development and transformative innovation, she works with Three Horizons practices to enable people to connect with their personal agency to envision and create pockets today of the futures they wish for.

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Event registration closed.

Date And Time

Nov 21, 2023 @ 12:00 PM (GMT) to
Nov 21, 2023 @ 03:00 PM (GMT)

Registration End Date

Nov 14, 2023


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