How to measure impact?How to measure impact?I was asked: How can we help organisations to measure environmental impact? Organisations that want to measure their social and …
MetaphorsMetaphorsThe Essence: The use of symbolic Modelling is very powerful when coaching in general and specifically in times of uncertainty and change – …
Nature and Earth Connected CoachingNature and Earth Connected CoachingResource from: Tabitha Jayne, Founder, Earthself Ltd I found this an incredibly grounding set of slides. The premise of greater …Download
The Soul of Nature: Nature Self DiscoveryThe Soul of Nature: Nature Self DiscoveryResource from: Jackee Holder In essence: Stories and practical ideas and questions on how to bring nature into coaching and supervision …, Download
What If We Become Good Ancestors?What If We Become Good Ancestors?Resource from Helen Strong, Marcus Griswold, Julie Courtnage, John Frost, and Laura Re Turner In essence: If you know you …Download
With the earth in mindWith the earth in mindThe Essence: With The Earth In Mind (WTEIM) is a systemic framework that invites people to explore thoughts, feelings and …, ,
Yes you can be a coach and an activist: An exploration for the curiousYes you can be a coach and an activist: An exploration for the curiousResource from Zoe Cohen and Rachel Ward Lilley The essence: An introduction to the topic of activism and an invitation to …Download